Junior (deceased)
"Junior" is 60 years old at the start of the Saga. He gained his nickname when he was the youngest fighting grog in Stranggore. In some sense, he is still the youngest fighting grog in Stranggore, because he is the only professional warrior. The other grogs were weekend warriors at best, at least at the start of the Saga.
Junior is proud to wear the livery of Stranggore as the last of its elite guards. He is a veteran of many adventures and battles and knows a great deal about the legends of the area -- having participated in several of them himself.
He is an old curmudgeon and, unlike most grogs, he is perfectly willing to criticize magi to their faces.
Junior's real name is Paul Fuller, though no one in the covenant calls him by it.
Ranking fighting grog of the covenant of Stranngore.
Sometime rival of Torkel for authority in the covenant.
Character Sheet
Since Junior is a grog, he's fair game for anyone to look at.