Torkel Failed Apprentice

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Torkel Watcher

Torkel Watcher, Failed Apprentice and Lone Redcap (NPC)

Brave +3, Loyal +3, Restless +3, Reputation 1 (Brave)

Man: Int 2 Per 1 Str 1 Sta 2 Pre 0 Com 0 Dex 1 Qik 1

Crow: Int 2 Per 1 Str -7 Sta 2 Pre 0 Com 0 Dex 1 Qik 5

Covenant Upbringing vs. Privileged Upbringing

Higher Purpose (Watcher) vs. Imp. Characteristics

Oath of Fealty (Iudicium)

vs. Failed Apprentice

vs. Skin Changer (Raven)

vs. Unbound Tongue

Protection (Iudicium) vs Lone Redcap - as a NPC


Childhood 0-4

English (Yorkshire) 5 - (75xp)
Athletics 3 - 30xp
Awareness 2 -15xp

Youth in Yorkshire 5-10

Area Lore (Yorkshire) 2 - 15xp
Brawl 2 - 15xp
Stealth 2 - 15xp 
Folk Ken 2 - 15xp
Guile 2 - 15xp
Survival 2 - 15xp

Pre-Apprenticeship tutored by Redcap 11-12

Latin (Hermetic) 4 - (50xp)
Area Lore (S.H. Tribunal) 2 - 15xp
OoH Lore 2 - 15xp

Apprenticeship + 1 year captivity 13-27(240xp)

Hermetic Abilities 90xp 
Magic Theory 3 - 30xp
Ancient Britain 2 - 15xp
Magic Lore 1 - 5xp +1
Faerie Lore 1 -  5xp
Infernal Lore 1 - 5xp
Finesse 1 - 5xp
Penetration 1 - 5xp
Concentration 1 - 5xp
Code of Hermes 1 - 5xp
Artes Liberalis 1 - 5xp

Faerie Imprisonment 28 (Felt like seven years but was only a year and a day)

Athletics (flight) 4 - +20xp
Magic Theory (creating items) 4 - +20xp
Faerie Lore 3 - +25xp
Hunt 2 - 15xp
Charm 2 - 15xp 
Etiquette 2 - 15xp
Intrigue 2 - 15xp
Legerdemain 2 - 15xp
Carouse 1 - 5xp
Sew 1 - 5xp
Leadership 1 - 5xp (Failed Gauntlet)

Failed Apprentice and Harold of Stranggore 29 - 31 (as a PC)

Profession (Autocrat) 0 - 2xp
Stealth 1 - 6xp (1x)
Magic Lore 1 - 6xp
Legerdemain 2 - 16xp
Infernal Lore 1 - 7xp
Leadership 1 - 7xp
Athletics (fly) 4 - 53xp
Carouse 1 - 6xp (1x)
Area Lore (S.H. Tribunal) 3 - 32xp
Chigury 0 - 1xp
Medicine 0 - 1xp
Teach 1 - 7xp
Great Weapon 2 - 27xp

Adopted by House Mercere then by Iudicium as a Lone Redcap 32 - 40 (1194 becomes an NPC)

Area Lore (S.H. Tribunal)3 - +15xp
Code of Hermes (S.H. Tribunal) 3 - +25xp
Intrigue 3 (Allies)- +15xp
Etiquette 3 (Magi)- +15xp
Order of Hermes Lore 3 (Covenants)- +15xp
Magic Lore 3 (Watcher) - +25xp
Athletics 5 (Flying) - +25xp


Magic Robes that change with wearer, +3 soak.

Black Wool Cape lined with Raven feathers.

Magic Staff that shrinks to the size of a twig.


Travel - man size 0, Raven size -4

Flight (Raven) +5 Init, no Att, +10 Def, no Dam, +5 soak
Fist     +1 Init, +4 Att, +4 Def, +1 Dam,  +5 soak 
Staff +3 Init, +6 Att, +6 Def, +3 Dam,  +5 soak


Torkel lived a carefree life until his mother told him of his fate to become a wizard. Torkel was taken then left to be tutored by a Redcap and took well to his new life of adventure and magic. His apprenticeship was less happy for Grimlakin was a cold and demanding mater. While still an apprentice, Torkel took to the Watchers who protect Britain from supernatural harm. During his Gauntlet, Torkel recklessly challenged a Faerie Knight to a dual and lost. His mater reject the ransom and his life force was slowly drained by his Faerie captor. Torkel oath was not forgotten by the Watchers. Everyday a Raven would fly to his tower window and give him one feather. These feathers he painstakingly sewed into his cloak, and after seven years labor he donned his cloak and flew to his freedom in the form of a Raven.

Joined the Watchers and was given a home at Stranggore. He joined House Mercere as an ungifted Redcap. After his training from John, his former tutor when he was an apprentice, he was taken in by Iudicium as a private messenger, which suited Torkel.

At age forty, he was given a Longevity Ritual.