James Seasonal Activities

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August 1205 - Master the spell 'Eyes of the Nightmare' (Practice, + 5xp Spell Mastery Quiet Casting)

Summer 1205 - James creates the spell 'Eyes of the Nightmare' MuAn L15 (B3, TSI+1size). Eyes of the Cat for Animals. Base is one higher because Animal is harder, e.g. change appearance is B3 in Corpus but B4 in Animal. The spell only affects horses and is sized accordingly. LT = 12(6) Mu + 9 An + 2 Int + 4 Au + 3 MT = 30 (Exposure, +2 Muto)

Spring 1205 - James wishes to further his magical arts studies by reading the Tractatus "Transformations of the Elements" by Gerd of Verditius. (Study, +10xp Muto)

Winter 1204 - James studies Numbering the Legion by Gilbert of York for 8xp and a new rank of 3 (32). James adventures in 'Those Wicked Stones' and ... (TBD)

August 1204 - James studies Intellego by Eudoxus of Bonisagus for 11xp and a new rank of 4 (12).

Summer 1204 - James reads 'Vim Circuitum' by Sorib of Criamon for 9xp Vim (L4). James adventures in 'Braids Rune' and spontaneously crafts a exquisite birdcage from natural materials (Adventure, +5xp Finesse)

Spring 1204 - James practices Wizard's Faithful Hound for Precise Casting spell mastery for practice Spell Mastery 3xp and Animal Handling 2xp. James receives, proudly, from one of his hounds a dead rabbit which contains one pawn of Muto vis.

Winter 1203 - James learns Wizard's Faithful Hound from labtext - 2xp Exposure in Spell Mastery. James adventures to the Raven and Key, saves a Unicorn, captures a werewolf, and turns her over to the Bishop of Wells. He is given a unicorn horn containing a rook of Creo Vis. During his adventure he expanded his Arts, 3xp Intellego, 1xp Vim, 1xp Animal. James graciously accepts the two pawn Rego when he swears his Oath. James receives one warping point from his Longevity Ritual. Apparent age 34.

Autumn 1203 - James reads 'Seleucus Journal' for 9xp in Infernal Lore.

Summer 1203 - James practices Latin at Oxford 8xp and ranks to 5. While at Oxford James trades two pawns of Rego for three pawns of Vim. At the end of his stay. he and Fredegisa break up.

Spring 1203 - Valera taught James Latin (17xp).

Winter 1202 - James masters 'Aura of Ennobled Presence' while visiting Wells for 5xp Practice Spell Mastery (Quiet Casting). 2 Pawns Rego Oath Blood. James receives one warping point from his Longevity Ritual. Apparent age 34.

Autumn 1202 - James invents the spell 'Aura of Ennobled Presence' from a labtext. (2xp Exposure Spell Mastery)

James adventures to The Witching Tree where he learn 5xp in Magic Lore from an old crone, ranking and specializing in Stranggore. James kills an Ogre and gets 3 pawns of Corpus

Summer 1202 - James reads 'The Dûn and the Weld' for 10xp in Magic Lore.

James scavenged 2 pawns of Vim vis while visiting places mentioned in the 'The Dûn and the Weld'. (Spring 1202 Vis)

Spring 1202 - Valera taught James Philosophea (17xp) and he specializes in Ceremonial Magic.

Winter 1201 - James finishes Robes of Mail and spends 2 pawns Muto. James graciously accepts the two pawn Rego when he swears his Oath. James receives one warping point from his Longevity Ritual. Apparent age 34.

Autumn 1201 - James starts to enchant into his Talisman a spell which changes his wizards robes into a partial chain hauberk, the hood becomes a coif. He is exposed to Muto for 2xp. James spends 3 pawns Rego and 6 pawns Vim to purchase the Helm of the Bezerker (1/day Sun EotB), 3xp Bargain. During the Tribunal, he is held up as an upstanding magus as he marched an infernalist magus earning another point in his Prudehomme Hermetic reputation, 11xp. After talking to the Criamon about Aura diminishing, James returns to Stonehenge and tests the aura's strength; while there he finds a crystal with 2 pawns of Vim. He gives 3 pawns of Vim top the Covenant to pay for a boosted aura this year. James turns 36.

Robes of Mail - MuAn(Te) L18 (B5, PCI) +5 conc, +3 6/day LT=4t+5f+2i+4a+4m+4o+5t=28(10) - done in two seasons. Transforms Wizard's Robes into a Hauberk of Mail Protects as Partial Chain Armor over enchanted Talisman (10/4)

Summer 1201 - James is in Oxford and hires a private to teach him how to debate for 13xp in Intrigue.

Spring 1201 - James attunes his Superior Arming Jacket as his Talisman(+7 protect wearer), 2xp exposure in Magic Theory. While at the Ungulus Tournament he exchanges 2 pawns Mentum for 3 pawns Vim vis.

Winter 1200 - James prepares his Superior Arming Jacket for enchantment, 2xp exposure in Magic Theory. (6 pawns of Vim, trade 1 Rego for 1 Vim) James graciously accepts the two pawn Rego when he swears his Oath. James receives one warping point from his Longevity Ritual. Apparent age is 34.

Autumn 1200 - James studies Parma Magica at Aquea Sulis for 10xp in Parma Magica. While at Aquae Sulis he studies Parma Magica from their library and pays 3 pawns Rego for the privilege. While at Aquea Sulis he trades 3 pawns Herbaum for 4 pawns Vim. He hunts down the 2nd most wanted man in England Oseric the Black and gets a big boost to his Acclaim +5 raising his House Reputation one rank. He permits George to claim the bounty as he placed the killing blow, +1 Prudhomme. He donates some captured horses to the Covenant. James turns 35.

Summer 1200 - Fredegisa stays at Stranggore and teaches James and Sandre about mundane relations and the Code for 13xp in Code of Hermes.

Spring 1200 - James studies Parma Magica at Schola Pythagoranis for 10xp in Parma Magica. While at Schola Pythagoranis he trades two pawns of Rego for three pawns of Vim which he then uses to pay for the privilege of studying their Parma Magica from their library.

Winter 1199 - James reads 'Techniques of Spellcasting, Vol. 4' for 8xp in Parma Magica. James graciously accepts the two pawn Rego when he swears his Oath

Autumn 1199 - James reads 'Life of Pralix' for 7xp in Organizational Lore Stonehenge Tribunal. (Taken in Spring 1199) James is given his Longevity Ritual which is +12. James turns 34.

Summer 1199 - James reads Principles of Necromancy for 8xp in Infernal Lore.

Spring 1199 - James rescues Sandre from his father's castle in Lost Along the Way for 5xp in Intrigue. And then hunts down the White Wizard in I Shall Be First for 2xp in Infernal Lore and 3xp in Code of Hermes. He exchanges a large amount Infernally tainted Vis for three pawns of Vim Vis (Spring, 2 Bonus Vis). He keeps the two books on Infernal Lore, Principles of Necromancy (8xp Infernal Lore), the Book of the Dead(?xp Infernal Lore), Life of Pralix (7xp in Organizational Lore Stonehenge Tribunal), fine clothes/jewelry, a dagger, and 1 pound of silver coin. One point acclaim for slaying the White Wizard, one point in Pruddehomme for sharing the spoils, then another for commissioning a house for his squire after his second child is born. James trades a large amount of Infernally tainted Vis for three pawns of Vim vis (Spring forage and two for Spring and Autumn contributions).

Winter 1198 - James will study a pawn of Ignem Vis. He graciously accepts the gift of two pawns of Rego Vis.

Autumn 1198 - James will study a pawn of Ignem Vis. He found 2 pawns of Terram vis in the basement lab.

Summer 1198 - James creates Merewyn's Masterful Spindle - 2xp Animal Exposure. He presents the gift along with all his Vim (11) and Corpus (5) Vis to use as she is able in making his Longevity Ritual. He uses 2 pawns of Rego and keeps the labtext.

Spring 1198 - Masters Saddle from the Sturdy Surcoat (Quiet) - 5xp practice. He forges for vis and find a pair of antlers as the snow melts. (2 pawns Animal)

Winter 1197 - Masters Ward Against Beast of Legend (Ceremonial), 5xp practice. He graciously accepts the gift of two pawns of Rego Vis.

Autumn 1197 - Masters Canter at the Kelpie Crossing (Fast Cast) - 5xp practice. James is in Oxford and forgoes forging having better things to do. He does however arrange a trade of two Rego pawns for three Vim pawns with a member of Fredigisa's covenant.

Summer 1197 - Masters Blade of the Virulent Flame (Penetration) - 5xp practice.

Spring 1197 - Masters Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (Fast Cast) - 5xp practice. James collects the Muto vis from the Wald and gets one pear, a pawn of Muto vis, and removes a chrysalis from the tree containing another pawn of Muto vis. (This happens in Summer?)

Winter 1196 - James follows a rumor of diabolism in Horror Amongst the Stones and earned 5 Adventure xp in Infernal Lore, then when he finds the diabolist whom he slayed was Jonas ex Jerbiton he brought the corpse to Aquae Sulis to seek judgment of his peers in Judgment for Jonas, 3 Adventure xp in Code of Hermes and 1 point towards his Acclaim for Slaying a Jonas a posthumously Marched wizard. He also received a Druidic curved knife of unknown power, if any, in Judgment for Jonas. In Twisted Web James finds Jonas' sanctum and suspect Hubert de Barbes of stealing notes on Jonas' clients and earned 5 Adventure xp in Intrigue. He recovers 3 pawns of Herbaum, 2 pawns of Corpus, and various lab texts for items. The rest of the season is spent reading the Code of Hermes book at the covenant for 9xp with a specialty in mundane relations. He graciously accepts the gift of two pawns of Rego Vis.

Autumn 1196 - Spending two pawns of Muto vis and the best arming jacket he can procure (quilted wool armor), he continuously enchants the armor with Doublet of Impenetrable Silk. This provides a soak of +4 with encumbrance of 2, but also it can be worn under other armor such as chain mail and provide a +3 bonus to soak of that armor at no additional encumbrance. He keeps the Mantel of the Black Knight L14, an un-translated lab text. He gives the arming jacket to the Covenant to replace the tunic destroyed during his dragon hunt. He gains 2xp exposure to Animal while enchanting the armor. He then rides off to Oxford.

Summer 1196 - James studies Eudoxus of Bonisagus book on Muto. (11xp Muto) At the tail end of Summer James again retrieves the Muto Vis from the Pear Tree in the Wald and recieves 1 pawn of Muto for his efforts.

Spring 1196 - During Trouble on the Doorstep, he lead his men into melee against the spectral horsemen. (5xp Leadership - in combat, and 1 point in Acclaim). He spent the rest of his season learning the spell 'Ward Against Beasts of Legend' (ReAn) L20. (2xp Animal) James engaged in some trading with the local Redcap and, after transfering it to a new medium i.e. not blood, he trades two pawns of Rego Vis for three pawns of Vim Vis, and at the tail end of Spring James retrieves the Muto Vis from the Pear Tree in the Wald and finds 1 pawn of Muto in the form of a chrysalis attached to the tree.

Winter 1195 - He will spend his season finishing his lab for a full lab. (2xp exposure in Magic Theory) He also graciously accepts the gift of Rego Vis, two pawns, for swearing the Oath.

Autumn 1195 - delivers The Dragon's Tribute and leads the hunt for a rampaging drake. (5xp Leadership and a point of Acclaim). He will spend his season setting up his lab for a basic lab. (2xp exposure in Magic Theory) Shared the 4 pawns of Ignem vis with Hywl from the Welsh Drake that Angus swiftly slew; this is a half a dragon's heart glowing in a jar of unknown liquid. James dreams of besting a green knight in a nearby forest glenn. The dream was so vivid that he rode out to the site of the battle and there he found a green feather containing 2 pawns of Mentum.

Summer 1195 - his season was spent practicing "Sword from the Unseen Scabbard" while sparring with the grogs. Swears in forest Hedge wizard and follows up with his initiation (1 xp Organization Lore Stonehenge Tribunal).

Spring 1195 - his season was spent practicing "The Wizard's Mount" while making frequent trips to visit Fredegisa. While visiting Oxford, Caballus hears of a magus at Schola Pythagoranis who needs Perdo vis and exchanges his one pawn of Perdo vis for two pawns of Vim vis.

Winter 1194 - his season will be spent reading Give a Wizard Strength a Penetration Tractatii for 11xp and will specialize in Rego. While visiting Oxford, Caballus hears of a magus at Schola Pythagoranis who needs Perdo vis and exchanges his one pawn of Perdo vis for two pawns of Vim vis. He also gains 1 pawn Vim as a Gift from the Covenant.

Autumn 1194 - Tribunal of Love, James courts the fair Fredegisa gaining 5xp in Charm, he follows that by spending his season in Oxford practicing Charm for another 5xp with specialization of Courtly Love. He gains 1 pawn Rego as a Gift from Argus and finds 1 pawn Perdo at a hangman's tree.

Summer 1194 - his season will be spent reading a Parma Magica Tractatii for 11xp and will specialize in Corpus.

Spring 1194 - his season will be spent reading a Parma Magica Tractatii for 8xp. He also will attend the Stormwatch Tournament. Caballus wins a friendly wager of one pawn of Vim when he throws knives better then a prized grog can shoot a bow.

Winter 1193 - his season will be spent reading a Parma Magica Tractatii for 8xp. He also receives 1 pawn of Vim vis reward for harvesting a Vis Source for Manar House.

Autumn 1193 - his Gauntlet, the five story experience points all go to Faerie Lore for a score of 1, and his season will be spent reading a Parma Magica Tractatii for 8xp. He also gained a level 1 Reputation for using his Faerie boon to save the life of Randolph.

Summer 1193 - still an apprentice, for the Vis distribution after his Gauntlet he will be presented with the mounted head of the ogre he vanquished and he will be quite please to find two pawns of Terram and 3 pawns of Corpus vis still in it.

Vis Stock

Totals: 2 Animal (Antlers), 4 Terram (Ogre Head), 3 Corpus (Bigger Ogre Head), 2 Rego (Oath Blood), 2 Vim (Pixie Dust)