Lost Along the Way

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In the early spring of 1199, Sandre recieved a message from Argus summoning him to Lincolnshire, where Argus had tracked Seleucus to. Argus also asked him to make a detour to check on a maga, Anne Knowlton who had not been heard from. Sandre has Bill lead them cross-country to make as much time as possible, but they got lost. In their long detour, the three men met several groups of refugees fleeing attacks on their villages by a brigand named [[Osric the Black], who seems to lead a large number of men. They heard several rumors about entire villages being burned to the ground, and claims that Owen worshipped the devil and was a witch. They also saw several knights carting away people they claimed were run away serfs.

As they travelled north, Sandre and the grogs found their way to the war camp of Sir Reginald FitzWalter, a knight who serves the Duke of Bedford. He and a large contingent of knights hunt for Owen, but have been unsuccessful. They claimed magic was involved, and asked Sandre if he was there to help. Sandre declined, saying he had very important Order business. His answer was begrudgingly accepted, but not without some insistence that Sandre visit the Duke before too long. Sandre and the grogs spent the night, had breakfast, and departed as quickly as possible.

They travelled a few more days, finally reaching the town where the maga they sought was said to live, which surprisingly was untouched by Owen and his brigands. They found no maga, but did find a dusty church, a drunken priest, and an infernal aura. The aura was stronger near the maga's old house, which the new Reeve no lived in. Sandre had Bill and Eustace kick in the doors, which was noisier than he expected and rousted several villagers. After a short but brutal fight, the Reeve fell out a window, several villagers were badly wounded, as well as Eustace and Bill each having a serious but not fatal wound. To Sandre's surprise, several villagers had apparently sided with him and the grogs, and helped fight off the villagers. After questioning the Reeves wife and some villagers, he learned that the Reeve, the priest and several others had made a pact with the devil to protect the town, so when Sandre, Bill and Eustace started fighting, the villagers who wanted the corruption gone took the chance to drive of the evil men in their midsts. A messenger was sent to the Sheriff (the Duke of Bedford) who arrested Sandre (likely because of his Gift) and brought him before the Sheriff. (Mean while, Bill and Eustace were sent back to Stranggore to have their wounds tended.)

Sandre spent two days at the Duke's - who is also Sandre's father - castle. During his stay he met Marie LaMont, his sisters handmaiden. He and the lady were both quite taken with each other, but there was little time for them to speak alone. Fredegisa and Caballus met him there, thinking Sandre was the one being accused of witchcraft. However, once this was cleared up, Sandre simply gave testimony to the Dukes clergyman to be presented at the trial of the Reeve's wife. He left with the other two Magi to finally find Argus the next morning.