Stranggore mundane resources

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The covenant possesses a valid royal charter, meaning the covenant has no feudal overlord (the Autocephalous Boon). The covenant is lord of its own lands.

Stranggore's lands have eroded since ancient days because the covenant, for many years, failed to resist encroachment by neighboring barons and abbots.

Village of Barstow

The covenant owns the village of Barstow and its serfs. Their agricultural produce are a primary source of income for the covenant. The serfs are also an occasionally-useful pool of unskilled to semi-skilled labor.

The covenant also owns the surrounding fields, pastures, and woodlots for a radius of a couple of miles.

Godwyn's Chase

A "chase" is a managed forest maintained by a noble for hunting. Godwyn's Chase is a chase in name only: it is a few square miles of woodland that is quickly reverting to a dark, primeval state. Godwyn lived in this wood from 1192-1199 (?)

TODO: explain how the Chase is protected by the Lord of the Hunt


In Spring 1201, the covenant planted an orchard from the seeds of its magic pear tree. It will be some years before the trees produce useful fruit.


Merewen brings in a suprisingly large income making charms and potions for her many "grandchildren," who come from as far away as London and Nottingham. Most of her work is medicinal, but she also makes magic potions and the ever-popular contraceptives and aphrodisiacs.


The Stranggore Library has its own page.