Stranggore Library

From Andrew Gronosky's Ars Magica Site
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Like most covenants Stranggore does not share its library.

(This has not been reviewed by the troupe - 300 build points.)

The below are exceptional books and represent the continous efforts of generations of House Bonisagus.

Ars Magica by Bonisagus his premier work annotated and improved over the years is ten Quality 15 Tractatus each provides 1xp in all the Arts. This groundwork piece allows one to train an Apprentice.

Appendium Magica by Bonisagous these four Tractatii provide 15xp in each of Concentration, Finesse, Penetration, and Parma Magica.

Principal Magica by Bonisagous these two Tractatii provide 15xp in each of Magic Theory, giving the minimum theory needed for setting up a Laboratory.

The below books are rare books on the Magic Lore of Britian:

Aberdeen Bestiary and Ashmole Bestiary these two Tractatii provide 10xp in Magic Lore.

Historia Regum by Symeon of Durham provides 10xp in Magic Lore.

Two Tractatus Quality 10 for Artes Liberalis.

One Tractatus Quality 10 for Philosophiae.