
From Andrew Gronosky's Ars Magica Site
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Rosalba is a lost covenant. Blackthorn declared war on Rosalba in 899 and destroyed them.

Godwyn, Hywel Mawr, and Agnes visited the ruins of Rosalba in the story, The Rescue of Ozerk. It is located in a regio at Maiden Castle in Dorset, near the south coast of England.

Rosalba is the location of a pool which destroys the mind, which trapped Ozerk for decades. Randolph fell victim to the enchantment, which lasted a year and a day, which implies Faerie Magic.

It is the location of Ludevine's sanctum.

It is located at the ruins of Maidenhead Castle within a Regio guarded by an invisible snake which only will yield to a virgin.