Stranggore Armory

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This page describes the mundane armory of Stranggore. For enchanted arms and armor, see Stranggore Enchantments.

Master of the Armory

In Winter 1195, Junior was appointed Master of the Armory by Argus. Junior holds the keys to the armory and is responsible for ensuring the armory is amply stocked and well maintained. He issues equipment to the fighting grogs.

Standard Armaments

The covenant has an ample supply of Standard arms and armor. There is enough to armor a dozen men and arm about thirty. Rather than keep track of it all, characters can just have whatever reasonable Standard equipment they want.

Expensive Armaments

Enchanted Armaments

The covenant's enchanted weapons are kept in the armory at all times, except when they are issued to a grog, companion, or magus for a specific mission. Members of Stranggore do not carry magical weapons for normal guard duty.

See Stranggore Enchantments for the contents of the armory.