Stranggore Maps

From Andrew Gronosky's Ars Magica Site
Revision as of 06:53, 22 December 2012 by AndrewG (talk | contribs) (Description of first floor)
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Regional Maps

Floor Plans

Stranggore Grounds

Stranggore Exterior.png

Repaired in Autumn 1200, this houses the covenant's horses.

Ground Floor

Covenant of Stranggore Floor 1.PNG

Brian's Hoard
Brian the Mad hoards all kinds of useful or valuable property (plus a good deal of useless junk) that he's found around the covenant over they years. He had 20 years to accumulate this stuff without interference. The grogs have reclaimed the arms and armor from this hoard, but who knows what else is in there? This room was once a sanctum, and it could be again if it could be cleaned out.
Entry Hall
The entry hall is sparsely furnished with a couple of benches and a faded and moth-eaten old tapestry portraying the deeds of some of the former magi of Stranggore.
Great Hall
The great hall is dominated by the ancient Throne of Stranggore, a wooden throne with bloodstained arms that allegedly dates back to the ancient kingdom. The Throne stands empty on a small dias, looming over the great council table and its twelve rune-carved chairs. Servants set up trestle tables in the great hall on feast days, but usually only the magi dine here.
Guards' Quarters
Bloody Bill lives here, and since Autumn 1199, his girlfriend Joan of Barstow lives with him. These quarters are about four times the size of what a medieval couple would reasonably expect.
The enchanted fireplace needs no firewood and is large enough to roast a whole ox.
This is Brian's office, which is kind of like his hoard except for papers. This is one of two offices in the Stranggore manor house. The covenant probably doesn't need both.
It's unfortunate that the entrance to Hywel Mawr's sanctum is through the pantry, because Hywel has a tendency to eat everything in sight. Savvy grogs have taken to hiding the most attractive foods, like butter and nuts, in other places around the covenant.
Magi use this room for informal entertaining and, sometimes, socializing. The parlor is furnished with several shabby old chairs and decorated with two dragons heads mounted on the wall. The bigger one was slain by Caradoc and the smaller one is much more recent, having been slain by Angus the Dragonslayer.
Servants' Day Room
Indoor chores like darning clothes and scrubbing the magi's glassware get done here. Grogs and covenfolk take their meals here on ordinary days.
Servants' Quarters
The maidservant, Catherine, and the cook, Bertha, live here.
Store Room
Most of the worthwhile stuff has been pilfered by Brian the Mad, and what's left is some lamp oil, cheap tallow candles (Brian hoards the wax ones), old bed linens, moth-eaten cloaks, and some basic lab supplies like charcoal and chalk.

Upper Floor

Covenant of Stranggore Floor 2.PNG


Covenant of Stranggore Floor 3.PNG


Covenant of Stranggore Basement 1.PNG