Ghost of Owain

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Owain was Caradoc's younger brother and companion on adventures.

Caradoc and Owain were dragon hunters and were very successful at killing drakes, wyrms, and other fell beasts. This attracted the attention of a particularly large dragon who flew over from Ireland just for the pleasure of killing these troublesome adventures.

Despite the full protection of the Armature of Stranggore, Owain was incinerated.

Having no body to bury or say prayers over, he became a ghost.

His spirit is tied to the Armature of Stranggore and thus he can be seen occasionally looking up from within the Armor of Stranggore.

He also has an instinctual connection to the other lost Armatures, a Shield, a Sword, and a Spear.

He died 1028.

See also the other Ghosts of Stranggore.