Goblin Doorkeeper

From Andrew Gronosky's Ars Magica Site
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The Goblin Doorkeeper is an invested device that helps guard the now-abandoned sanctum of Erian of Merinita in the basement of Stranggore. It is a brass doorknocker in the shape of a howling goblin; the ring of the knocker goes through the goblin's nose.

Invested Effects

No one has researched this item, so the effects listed are only the ones that have been observed.

Sense the Intruder (InCo ??)
The knocker can detect any person who touches the knocker or the door it protects. This provides a linked trigger for other effects. The effect has added Penetration so it can detect magi even when their Parmae Magicae are up.
Hue and Cry (CrIm 1)
The goblin shouts for its master when an intruder is detected. The mouth seems to move to make the words, but this is only a cosmetic effect.