Judgement for Jonas

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(OoC some details from before the Tribunal Council Meeting needed.)

"I, Caballus ex Flambeau, hereby swear by my Oath to the Order of Hermes and to its members gathered here that my following account of the slaying of Jonas ex Jerbiton be truthful and not misleading.

I traveled to the villiage of Avebury with my shield grog Angus to investigate a rumor of diabolic actvities. The locals spoke of blood being spilled upon the stones at night by witches, and by my own eyes I found among the stones large cloven hoof prints from a two legged creature that must have weighed more then a horse. We picked a spot within charging distance of these tracks and set ambush. The moon was about set when a large siluette lumbered into view; the shape of a man with large goat legs and glowing red eyes; knowing that I must slay this daemon I spurred my mount to charge. We laid two blows at full charge felling the beast dead. I then spied the diabolist who summoned the daemon slinking away so I chased him down and demanded his surrender, at which point he casted a Hermetic spell to blind me. I countered and returned one of my own sinking a knife deep in his thigh. When he tried to cast a spell again, I knew he intended not to surrender so I held no quarter and ordered my grog to take him down. After he was heavily wounded by Angus, I delievered the killing blow.

The battle over, I realized that I had killed a member of my Order and made haste to bring the body to Aqua Villa to seek judgement by my peers.

That is my account of the events that led to the death of Jonas ex Jerbiton."

(OoC some details from after the Tribunal Council Meeting needed.)