Manar House

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The Manar House is a covenant in the Loch Leglean Tribunal where Caballus was apprenticed under Duncan the Bold. It is located near Aberdeen in the town of Inverurie. Atypically for a Hermetic covenant, the Manar House has a Dominion aura of 1.

The Covenant has a very good relationship with the Céli Dé monks who run the Kirk of Rocharl.

Only after his Gauntlet does Duncan explain why he was so strict with Cabaluus about not leaving the Covenant. The Manar House serves as a Roman outpost keeping watch over the Loch Leglean Tribunal and was founded on a remains of site of importance to Damhain-Allaidh. Within the Loch Leglean Tribunal, the covenant is not popular especially with those who secretly wish for Damhain-Allaidh to return and rid them of the Roman invaders. In an early and rare colaboration with the Church, the monks of Céli Dé and the magi of Manar together established a presense within Inverurie to keep watch for Damhain-Allaidh's return, and this shared purpose is what keeps theses two seemingly incompatible groups such good alies.

Members, prefered Art and Ability

?? ex Criamon, Vim and Infernal Lore

?? ex Merinita, Terram and Faerie Lore

Duncan ex Flambeau, Ignem and Magic Lore

?? ex Jerbiton, Mentum and Divine Lore

Perigrine ex Flambeau