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Gregory is an Eremite who lives near Oxford. He is a rival of Kikas, who is also an Eremite. Gregory has brought up complaints against Kikas at the Stranggore Tribunal, but the tribunal declined to get involved in personal matters.

Gregory is often challenged by Kikas to Certamen duel over resources, particularly Vis, which Gregory always loses to being an much younger magus.

In the fall of 1208, Gregory was challenged to Kikas over a potential apprentice. Kikas wrote a letter to Sandre and asked Sandre to be his champion. Sandre agreed. Gregory became trapped in a magical regio and almost missed the duel, but was rescued by Sandre the morning of the duel. Sandre won the duel agaisnt Kikas, and Gregory kept his apprentice.

Gregory has 2 outstanding unofficial complaints against Kikas:

  • Kikas always seems to know where Gregory's resources are harvested, and Gregory suspects Kikas is scrying on him
  • Gregory believes fed him the information about the regio he was trapped in, and that Kikas intentionally tricked him to make him miss the duel.