Sir Guy

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Sir Guy is a Norman knight who crossed paths with Godwyn and Thomas the Poacher near Glastonbury in the winter of 1191. Sir Guy was chasing a fugitive (Dwain) and asked them if they had seen a large man fleeing past. Since the knight was obviously Norman, Godwyn was more than happy to point him in the wrong direction.

Later, Godwyn and Thomas did come across Dwain and gave him more direct assistance. Sir Guy did not see them do it, but he did encounter Thomas again after his hounds chased the grog into a tree. Unless Sir Guy is especially stupid, he has by now figured out that Thomas and Godwyn helped Dwain escape.

Sir Guy's family name and title are unknown. He holds a castle somewhere near Glastonbury. He may be the Warden of Barnstable; Godwyn isn't sure.