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Born William de Gallios, Sandre is a son of the Duke of Bedford, a Norman. Sandre's gift was discovered very early in his life and his father, ever looking for power and advantage, was quick to give him up as an apprentice of the Order. Sandre was apprenticed to Garvonn a magus of Amici Britanniae. Sandre passed his gauntlet on his first try, but has not earned his sigil from Garvonn. Shortly after becoming a Magus of the Order, Sandre traveled to Stranggore to stay for a season as a guest. At the end of the season, Sandre was offered the opportunity of membership at Stranggore and accepted.

Sandre and his family were briefly in touch after he became a full Magus, but they are no longer on speaking terms. Hugo of the Crimson Brotherhood has tried to get Sandre's lineage read into the records of the tribunal, but was laughed down.


Sandre has com into conflict with two members of the Crimson Brotherhood, and beaten a third in the Certamen Tournament. He is not thought of well by this covenant, and he does not think well of them either.

Sandre has discovered a demon in a regio in an abondoned monestary. He seeks the power to destroy the evil monster.


1196: Winter

1196: Summer

1196: Spring

  • Spring Cleaning: Anges asked Sandre for help with a discovery she made in the basement. Sandre learned of an albino named Steven who is lurking near the covenant.
  • Trouble on the Doorstep: Sandre, along with the rest of the covenant, faced ghostly, mounted warriors.

1195: Summer

1194: Fall

1194: Spring

1193: Fall

  • Sandre officially joins the Covenant of Stranggore.

1193: Summer

1193: Spring


Sandre passed his gauntlet as a generalist, having equal ability in almost every art.
Since joining Stranggore, Sandre's studies have focused on Intellego, Mentem, and Vim.

Key Abilities

  • Latin
  • Magic Theory
  • Awareness
  • Skills associated with Certamen
  • Sandre has never managed to learn even the basics of any weapon or shield, and can barely stand in armor.

Personality and Reputation

Sandre's trust is not easily earned but once he gives it, he is a loyal friend. His greatest loyalty is to the Order of Hermes and the Code, and only great temptation could make him stray from his ideals.

Sandre has a level 1 reputation: Adheres to the Code.

suspicious +1
dedicated +2
corruptible -3

Holdings and Possesions

Lab, +0 to lab total
Eye of Andrion
2 Pawns Perdo
2 Pawns Muto
5 Pawn Vim
3 Pawn Intellego
3 Pawn Mentem
10 Pawns Rego

Tractacae Read

"Intellego Ominum"
"To Give a Wizard Strength"
"De Vi"
"Parma Magica"
"De Mentem"
"Emanations of the Soul"
"Vim Circuitum"
"Mentem et Manes"

Character Sheet

This is full of spoilers: File:Sandre-6-12-11.pdf

Sandre's Season Activities This is a list to help me keep track.


Spell Form Technique Level Casting Score Range Duration Target

Spell Form Technique Level Casting Total Range Duration Target
Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie Ment Intel 20 18 E C I
Posing the Silent Question Ment Intel 20 18 E M I
Whispers Through the Black Gate Corp Intel 15 16 T C I
Aura of Ennobled Presence Imag Muto 10 9 T S I
Demon's Eternal Oblivion Vim Perdo 10 15 V M I
Unravelling The Fabric of Imaginem Vim Perdo 20 15 V M I
Wizards Sidestep Imag Rego 10 10 P S I
The Crystal Dart Terram Muto 10 9 V M I
Scent of Magic Vim Intel 20 18 P C Smell
Touch of Truth Ment Rego 15 13 T D I
Veil of Invisibility Imag Perdo 20 12 T S I