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Ozerk of House Merinita was the last magus to join the covenant of Stranggore before Sandre and the other player-magi. He died in the Spring of 1201 in the story Ozerk's Revenge.


Ozerk was a fairly small man with a rumpole nose and a widow's peak. His eyes were blue. He dressed in forester's clothes, not the elaborate robes of a magus. His familiar was a lynx.


Ozerk was mysterious and was always seen with his familiar, a lynx.

  • Mysterious +3
  • Loyal to Familiar +3

History at the Covenant

Ozerk was apprenticed at Stranggore. He joined the covenant in 1160 at the age of 22, so he was 63 years old when he died.

Ozerk disappeared in 1186. He was imprisoned in the ruins of the covenant of Rosalba for twelve years. While imprisoned, he was afflicted with a curse that impaired his memory and drained him of experience points, eroding his Arts and Abilities. He eventually recovered some of his memories, but not his hard-earned magical training.

Godwyn and Agnes rescued Ozerk in the story Ozerk's Rescue in Summer 1198.

In Spring 1201, Ozerk died in the story Ozerk's Revenge.

Ozerk's Bequest

Ozerk's will bequeathed all his possessions to the covenant, except for his diary, which he left to Godwyn.