
From Andrew Gronosky's Ars Magica Site
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Randolph was the Kennel Master's apprentice at the Manar House Covenant where Caballus was apprenticed to Duncan the Bold in Inverury, Scotland. In the story Gauntlet, he earned a Faerie Dog named Amadán which is currently his only hound.

Key Abilities

  • Animal Handling (Dogs)
  • Hunt (with Dogs)
  • Profession Master of Kennels
  • Bow (hunting)


Randolph is short and is oversensitive about that one matter. Otherwise he is a reliable grog who is a persistant hunter.

  • Brave +2
  • Loyal +2
  • Persistent +2


  • Unlucky (local) 1.

Randolph has had bad experiences in his stories. In Gauntlet, he was Incapacitated (though the grogs say he was stone dead) and healed by a faerie lord; in The Rescue of Ozerk, he was cursed.


Character Sheet

As a Grog anyone can look him over.


If Randolph is ever out of date his default Seasons are below:

Spring - exposure Animal Handling (2xp), tending the various animals during birthing/breeding season.

Summer - practice Area Lore (2xp), Profession Kennel Master (2xp), Survival (2xp), explore the area around Stranggore for hunting possibilties.

Fall - exposure Hunt (2xp), contributing game for the covenant's larder.

Winter - practice Carouse (2xp), Charm (2xp), Folk Ken (2xp), socialize with covenfolk.