Stranggore Loose Ends

From Andrew Gronosky's Ars Magica Site
Revision as of 19:22, 8 August 2013 by AndrewG (talk | contribs) (Updated loose ends following player meeting)
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Items Found

Godwyn found a mysterious lodestone in the story The Rescue of Ozerk.

Godwyn also captured Thorn's belt in the story Ozerk's Revenge.

In the basement (Terram) sanctum was an hourglass of green stone that seemed extremely slowed-down in time. It was inscribed with the Latin phrase, "Until we meet again."

Promises Made

Godwyn promised, in the story Ozerk's Revenge, to come back for Barnabus the talking ram and his herd.

Characters Met

Godwyn set loose the two wolves, Grey-Mane and Silver-Tail, in Godwyn's Chase. He plans to follow up and visit them.

Agnes and Eustace met Tobias the enchanted owl years ago, but never sought him out again. Paul has also encountered and befriended Tobias.

Godwyn may wish to take revenge on Loudevine for her capture and cursing of Ozerk. See The Rescue of Ozerk.

Mystical Places

The Witching Tree is an enchanted elder tree in the Weld. In Autumn 1202, James was sent there to collect a bough for a ritual that would help Stranggore's flickering Magic aura. He found the tree dead. It may be possible to plant another, if a suitable seed or seedling can be found.

We haven't visited them all, but there are several Lost Covenants in the Stonehenge Tribunal whose fate our magi may wish to explore.

Covenant Improvements

Godwyn and Sandre searched Ozerk's sanctum for valuables in 1203. They found the key to Settasper but may have found some other good stuff as well. Per council meeting of Autumn 1203, the magi plan to let Agnes take over Ozerk's sanctum after she passes her Gauntlet.

The third floor sanctum in the northeast tower is haunted. Sandre is interested in clearing it out to reclaim the space.